Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We Walk the Tworld Update and Inspiration

Thank you to everyone that sent us your steps. We're starting to pick up steam and see some real progress against our team goal. The current count is 10,344,469 steps, so please keep up the great momentum and keep on moving friends!!! And to keep you motivated, we have an inspiring story from one of our challenge participants - Melissa from Jacksonville, FL.

When she heard about the We Walk the Tworld Challenge, Melissa responded by saying,

"I'm totally digging this BECAUSE over the course of the last year, I have taken on a more active lifestyle. I was inspired by some running friends, and here I am - 35 pounds lighter, a half-marathon under my belt, and training for a marathon. If I can inspire someone to take their first step, then I have come full circle."

That response really intrigued us. We're hoping that more people will take such positive steps in their lives, so we asked Melissa if we could interview her about her experience and she agreed. Here is her story.

Fit Factor Kids: Your story about training for a marathon is so impressive. I'm curious about how you decided to make such a drastic change in your workout habits.

Melissa: I decided to make changes in my workout habits because I was very unhappy with myself. I was at my heaviest weight ever. Standing 5 feet tall, the weight increase was drastically noticeable. In March 2009, I just couldn’t stand (it) anymore. They say a picture is worth a thousand words – and that was the turning point for me. I saw a photo of myself with my son on his 3rd birthday. I didn’t even recognize myself. After having a little pity party, I got mad and decided it was time for a change!! In March 2009, I joined a gym and started a walk/run program that gradually increased your running time to 30 minutes.

Fit Factor Kids: I don't know about you, but running can be intimidating to many people. Me for instance...I have no problems walking, doing an elliptical machine or a cardio workout. But running scares me. Did you feel intimidated when you started running?

Melissa: YES, I absolutely felt intimidated at first. I knew there was no way I could just start running for 30 minutes straight. I had to ease into it! I actually started out running for one minute and walking for two minutes. I did that 10 times for a total of 30 minutes. In the beginning, that one minute felt like forever!! The next week, I ran for 2 minutes and walked for one minute. You get the idea, the program gradually increases your running time and decreases your walking time. I met obstacles right away in the form of shinsplints. I had to take a break from running, so I would pick up the elliptical machine. I chose the elliptical because it had the same motion of running without the impact on my shins. Eventually my shinsplints healed, and I started running again. In August, I ran my first race ever with two girlfriends. It was a 5 mile run on the beach. I wasn’t very fast, but I wasn’t last!! It was a great experience, and afterwards I was sooo proud!

Fit Factor Kids: I know that you're a working mom and we all know how difficult that can be at times. How do you find time to train with all of your other responsibilities?

Melissa: With everything else that working moms have on their plate, it is very hard to incorporate time to workout. It worked best for my schedule to go after work. The gym was literally 2 minutes away from my job. My husband was very supportive and watched our son while I worked out. I was also fortunate enough to hire a trainer. She would come to my house 3 days a week for an hour. She taught me different exercises for each muscle group. After my sessions with her, I was confident enough to go into the gym and workout with weights.

Fit Factor Kids: Have you noticed any positive changes within your family, since you started your healthier lifestyle? How does your son feel about what you're doing?

Melissa: I have noticed a difference in my family. My husband was inspired to start working out as well. We had a Bowflex in the garage, and he dusted it off, and started using it. At first, my son was VERY jealous about me exercising. He did not like it when my trainer came over. In fact, he used to pretend like he was Spiderman and spray her with webs (sound effects and everything). I think he felt like she was taking away some of his time. I bought him a pair of one pound weights (the kind with the Velcro straps) and let him work out with us. He used to call the weights his ‘muscles’. My son eventually he came around, and accepted that this was part of my life now. I’m trying to be a good role model for him, and he’s definitely watching me. One day he picked up his muscles, and started doing tricep-kickbacks. It was so funny. He’s also taken an interest in which foods will make him big and strong.

Fit Factor Kids: Do you have any advice for people who are just getting started with running (or getting started with exercise for that matter?)

Melissa: My advice for runners who are just getting started is to start slow, and gradually increase the distance and speed. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, and it’s absolutely alright if you need to take a walk break. The distance and speed will come with time. Whether you’re walking or running, you’re still burning calories and strengthening your heart. Music always helped to keep me motivated, and it’s a good idea to invest in a good pair of shoes. Stay positive, believe in yourself, and surround yourself with positive people! I had a great support group, and could not have gotten this far without them!

So there you have it. One positive story that we hope turns into many more. If you would like to share your experience with us, please write to us at information@fitfactorkids.com. Keep up all the great work. Together, we can reach the goal of 100 Million steps and raise awareness for healthy lifestyles!

Mary Owen - Founder - Fit Factor Kids - Kids Exercise DVD

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